Submit AI Tool for Review

By completing and submitting this form, you are confirming that you have reviewed the Department of Health and Human Services Playbook for Trustworthy AI and your proposed AI/ML tool is intended to be used within UCSF Health.

Enter email of person that should be contacted in response to this request.
Name and role of primary contact for this AI/ML model
Please enter the name of your AI/ML tool
Please enter the name of the firm or the UCSF researcher responsible for creating the tool.
Please describe what problem this tool is designed to address.
i.e. linear regression model or neural network; stand-alone or embedded in another tool?
i.e. inpatient providers using APeX, radiologists interpreting CT scans, oncology RNs in infusion center, etc.
i.e. adult patients with Acute Kidney Injury admitted to UCSF